한국 미술/근현대 미술

박서보 朴栖甫(1931~ ) : Écriture No.89 : mixed media with Korean paper on canvas : 77.0☓147.0cm : 1989년작

주해 2022. 11. 28. 19:50

2020-06-21 21:38:58




The Seo-Bo Arts and Cultural Foundation, PARK, SEO-Bo: 1994, p.98



Gwacheon, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea, Park Seo-Bo’s Painting: Its Forty Years: 1991.10.25-11.14.Los Angeles, Convention Center, ART LA 89: 1989.12.7-12.11.Seoul, Gallery Kwan Hoon, Ecole de Seoul: 1989.9.6-12.