한국 미술/한국 고미술

비천상 (飛天像) : Statue of Apsara : carved and colored on wood : 40.1☓27.0☓37.2(h)cm

주해 2022. 12. 7. 00:47

2021-04-18 14:47:53


동자상 童子像

Statue of Boy Attendant

carved and colored on wood


업경대 業鏡臺

Karma Mirror

carved and colored on wood


해태상 獬豸象

Statue of Haetae

carved and colored on wood


동자상 童子像

Statue of Boy Attendant

carved and colored on wood


신중상 한 쌍 神衆象 一雙

A Pair of Statues of Buddhist Guardian Deities

gold, carved and colored on wood

1. 32.0☓26.0☓92.0(h)cm

2. 28.0☓20.0☓77.0(h)cm