해외 미술/소더비(Sotheby)

Art Impressionniste et Moderne Live Auction: 25 March 2021 • 4:00 PM CET • Paris

주해 2022. 12. 4. 11:19

2021-02-26 06:16:15


Art Impressionniste et Moderne (sothebys.com)


Art Impressionniste et Moderne

From the Collection of Couturier Jeanne Lanvin’s daughter, Marie-Blanche de Polignac, an enchanting pastel by Degas, Danseuse au tutu vert, will be offered at auction for the first time since 1954. Depicting the artist’s most emblematic motif, it justi






Property from a Private French Collection

Vincent van Gogh

1853 - 1890

Street scene in Montmartre (Impasse of the Two Brothers and the Pepper Mill)


oil on canvas

46.1 x 61.3 cm; 181/8 x 241/8 in.

Painted in late February-Mid April 1887.




A.M Hammacher, "An Unknown Van Gogh from the Paris Period: A New Start," in Vincent: Bulletin of the Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, II, 1 1972, pp. 18-20

Jan Hulsker, The Complete Van Gogh. Paintings. Drawings. Sketches, Oxford, 1980, JH 1240, reproduced p. 274 (under the title Street Scene in Montmartre)

Van Gogh in Paris (exhibition catalogue), Musée d'Orsay, Paris, 1988, cat. No. 23 fig. a, reproduced p. 84 (under the title Vue du Moulin à Poivre (to the north))

Ingo F. Walther and Rainer Metzger, Vincent van Gogh. The complete work - painting. Volume I. Etten, April 1881-Paris, February 1888, Cologne, 1990, reproduces p. 225 (under the title Street Scene in Montmartre)

Jan Huslker, The New Complete Van Gogh. Paintings, Drawings, Sketches, Philadelphia, 1996, JH 1240, reproduced p. 274 (under the title Street Scene in Montmartre)

Walter Feilchenfeldt, Vincent van Gogh: Die Gemelde 1886-1890,: Hundler, Sammler, Ausstellungen: die frehen Provenienzen, Wundenswil, 2009, reproduces p. 77 (reverse image, under the title

Spazieerg-nger im Bois de Boulogne and incorrectly described as included in Sotheby's sale, New York, May 12, 1980, lot 32)

Ella Hendriks and Louis van Tilborgh, Vincent Van Gogh, Paintings, Volume 2: Antwerp and Paris 1885-1888, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam and Zwolle, 2011, fig. 92g, reproduced at p. 332 (under the title Impasse des Deux Frères and the Pepper windmill)



A.M Hammacher, "An Unknown Van Gogh from the Paris Period: A New Start," in Vincent: Bulletin of the Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, II, 1 1972, pp. 18-20

Jan Hulsker, The Complete Van Gogh. Paintings. Drawings. Sketches, Oxford, 1980, JH 1240, illustrated p. 274 (titled Street Scene in Montmartre)

Van Gogh in Paris (exhibition catalogue), Musée d'Orsay, Paris, 1988, cat. No. 23 fig. a, illustrated p. 84 (titled View of pepper mill (northbound))

Ingo F. Walther and Rainer Metzger, Vincent van Gogh. The complete work - painting. Volume I. Etten, April 1881 - Paris, February 1888, Cologne, 1990, illustrated p. 225 (titled Street Scene in Montmartre)

Jan Hulsker, The New Complete Van Gogh. Paintings, Drawings, Sketches, Philadelphia, 1996, JH 1240, illustrated p. 274 (titled Street Scene in Montmartre)

Walter Feilchenfeldt, Vincent van Gogh: Die Gemelde 1886-1890, : Hundler, Sammler, Ausstellungen: die frehen Provenienzen, Wundenswil, 2009, illustrated p. 77 (image reversed, titled

Spaziergenger im Bois de Boulogne and incorrectly described as part of the sale Sotheby's, New York, May 12, 1980, lot 32)

Ella Hendriks and Louis van Tilborgh, Vincent Van Gogh, Paintings, Volume 2: Antwerp and Paris 1885-1888, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam and Zwolle, 2011, fig. 92g, illustrated p. 332 (titled Impasse of the Two Brothers and the Pepper windmill)


24일(현지 시각) 미술품 경매회사 소더비의 프랑스 파리 사무소 직원들이 네덜란드 화가 빈센트 반 고흐(1853~1890)의 1887년작 ‘몽마르트르 거리 풍경’을 들고 있다. 파리 북부 몽마르트르 언덕 인근 봄 풍경을 화폭에 담은 이 그림은 1920년 한 프랑스 수집가가 취득한 뒤 보관해오다가 최근 가족들이 경매에 내놓으면서 이날 100년 만에 공개됐다. 이 작품은 파리와 영국 런던, 네덜란드 암스테르담, 홍콩 등에서 전시된 뒤 다음 달 경매에 나온다. 영국 일간 가디언은 낙찰 예상가가 최대 800만유로(약 108억원)에 달한다고 전했다.