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Chinese Art Online: A Private Asian Collection28 July 2022•10:00 HKT Information.Hong Kong . sothebys

주해 2022. 12. 25. 18:10

Chinese Art Online: A Private Asian Collection | 2022 | Sotheby's

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A pair of large sancai pottery figures of camels, Tang dynasty | 唐 三彩駱駝一對

Estimate: 500,000 - 700,000 HKD

Lot sold: 630,000HKD

 A pair of large sancai pottery figures of camels,

Tang dynasty

唐 三彩駱駝一對

h. 78 cm

The dating of this lot is consistent with the result of a thermoluminescence test (Oxford test no. 666p89), as stated in the Christie's New York catalogue in 1993. Certificate lost.


A rare bronze 'dragon' wine vessel, Hu, Western Han dynasty | 西漢 青銅龍首銅壺

Estimate: 80,000 - 120,000 HKD

Lot sold: 693,000 HKD


A rare bronze 'dragon' wine vessel, Hu,

Western Han dynasty

西漢 青銅龍首銅壺

with 2 X-rays

h. 48.5 cm